Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Day 2: I feel hungry today

Current weight: still 43kg (of course lah! It's only 2days, dimwit!)

I didn't take my nap after my Subuh prayer. Instead I sat with Mummy and had breakfast. I made myself a cup of hot milo and ate 2 slices of buttered wholemeal bread. I wanted to exercise but I was just too tired. I didn't bring enough food to last me for a day. Just 2 packets of Hi-Calcium vege Jacobs biscuits. And what? No fruits? I didn't even eat any vege today *well, if you count that vege crackers as vege servings*. Confirm I won't shit today. Now what did I eat today?

- One cup of Milo
- 2 slices of buttered wholemeal bread

- One plate of rice *Makcik gave me so little 8/*
- One chicken drumstick masak korma
- Sambal goreng *with tempehs and tahus*

- 2 packets of Hi-Calcium Jacobs biscuits

That's all?! I had better stuff myself with food, glorious food tonight. Ok...go! The thing I like about this diet is I can eat a LOT. and the boyfriend feeds me well everytime we go out. muahahahaa.

- One plate of rice
- A serving of spinach
- Asampedas ikan pari
- 2 glasses of soyabean milk


At May 27, 2004 at 9:32 AM, Blogger yan said... THE BOYFRIEND gets mentioned here...
so kiukkkkk la u...

At May 27, 2004 at 10:20 PM, Blogger zammy yammy said...

hehheee..once in a while lah to add more spice. ;)


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