Friday, May 28, 2004

Day 4: More carbo perhaps?

Current weight: 43kg

Extracted from Carbohydrates are the best source for providing energy (fuel) for the body, protein (meat) converts poorly to energy in the absence of carbohydrate. So if he only eats protein and very little carbohydrate, most of the protein will be converted to energy, leaving very little for storage which could be the reason he has trouble gaining weight.

So perhaps I should eat more carbohydrates? Things like rice, bread, noodles, cereals, buns and even starchy vegetables like potatoes, yams & sweet potatoes.

Maybe I should try that HerbaLife weight gainer toots wanna introduce? Maybe I should get some multivitamin pills as suggested by the boyfriend? Maybe..maybe I am thinking too much and should just stop typing and eat my slice of honeydew now?

- 3 slices of bread with jam and butter
- 1 glass of HL milk

I need to get a pack of soyabean milk later before my class.

- 1 plate of rice + chicken curry *yesterday's dish lah*
- 1 serving of vege

- 1 plate of rice + chicken curry *2 piece of chicken*

And just before sleeping, I had
- 2 slices of buttered bread with jam
- 1 glass of HL milk

I forgot to buy the soyabean milk though. heh. And not much in-betweens for today either.


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