Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Back for good...I hope!

Current Weight: 45kg (gained 2kg since last yr...wooot!)

I'm going to bring back this blog up again. Why? I see so many blogs on losing weight but I seldom see blogs about gaining weight. Even if there are, they would either be selling their crap products or someone who wants to build some muscles. bleargh!

Try asking people how to gain weight and you'll likely see them staring back at you...and say, "You want to grow fat for wat ah?!".

And if I'm lucky enough to get a response to that question, it will probably involve the words "eat more". That, despite being obvious, is great advice. Quite simply, to gain weight you will need to up your calorie consumption to the point where you consume more calories than you expend.

After a trip to the Mdm Dietician's office last year ruled out medical causes *e.g. thyroid* for my inability to bulk up. I guess my next step is to naturally have this journal so that I can keep track of what I eat. It can be a lonely struggle for those who want to put on weight because majority of my friends are complaining they're fat.

This is what Mdm Dietician had advised me.

- Tuna and half boiled-eggs for breakfast/in between meals consecutively
- Buttered bread for breakfast
- Soyabean milk
- 2 servings of fruit
- More sleep/relax
- Exercise lightly thrice weekly

My biological clock has changed since I'm married. I sleep at 11pm most of the time and wake up at 6am. I can squeeze a 30min of sleep during lunchtime now. I don't do more freelance projects than I can handle to give me more sleep and relaxation time *also to spend quality time with my man..being happy = less stressful mahhh! heh*.

Today I have a bad breakfast actually:

- 3 slices of toast with nutella spread
- a handful of honeystars
- half of cup of teh susu
- 1 packet of uncle toby's fruit twists

Probably going to cook up french toast with tuna for breakfast tomorrow.

Update (@ 14:18)
- 1 huge serving of pattaya rice (basically fried rice wrapped in egg with slices of fishballs, chicken, cuttlefish, cucumber slices and salad)
- 1 packet of uncle toby's fruit twists
- 1 muesli bar
- A plate of rice
- a serving of sotong curry
- fishh
- chocolate cookies 8)

And I'm going to stock up my work drawer with tuna and crackers later. The whole room will smell of tuna..hahahaa.


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